A MAN has been arrested in connection with a robbery in which raiders stole “a large amount of cash” from a Post Office.

Armed raiders stormed the Tonge Fold Post Office in the busy Bury Road shopping area on Saturday morning.

A 26-year-old man has been arrested on suspicion of robbery and has been bailed until September.

It is understood two masked men carrying sledgehammers struck at the shop and escaped on a motorbike with the cash cash.

The robbery has left local traders horrified, coming just weeks after another post office was targeted in another busy shopping area. The post office in Moss Bank Way, Johnson Fold, was robbed at the end of May when a delivery worker had a machete held to his throat while a raider demanded a bag of cash from his colleague.

The two robberies are not thought to be linked.

It is understood that no one was injured in Saturday’s robbery.

Milan Patel, who works at the off-licence next door, said: “This is a very busy area with shops and traffic. It is frightening that something like this can happen.

The police were here quickly, but the two men were in and out so fast.”

Police said their investigation into the incident was continuing.

Anyone with information is asked to contact police on 101 or Crimestoppers, anonymously, on 0800 555111.