The top eight creepy crawlies that are often spotted lurking in homes across the UK throughout the year have been revealed.

As summer slowly starts to slip away and autumn begins to settle in, as we retreat into our homes from the garden, a number of insects often follow suit.

Many seek shelter in toasty homes, and when we least suspect it, they have brought a surprise to homeowners nationwide.

While many bugs prefer carpets to rooms with cold wood or hard floors, other places such as basements, cellars and lofts can also be attractive to small creatures due to their potential dampness and range of hiding places.

We've put together a list of the top eight creepy crawlies you're most likely to spot in your home - and where you might find them.


The Bolton News:

While it may be a pest in summer, during the winter Cockroaches still want warm environments, and are huge fans of the central heating in homes across Britain.

  • You're likely to find them in: Gaps, food waste, standing water, rubbish and clutter.


The Bolton News:

These nocturnal bugs have been known to crawl into human ears - watch out for them!

  • You're likely to find them: During the day within damp crevices in walls and floors, or debris in cellars and lofts.


The Bolton News:

Woodlouse love anywhere that is damp and dark, whether that be inside or out.

  • You're likely to find them in: Walls, basements, lofts and any poorly maintained rooms.


Heated homes across the UK can provide an attractive breeding environment for fleas, that would otherwise be dormant.

  • You're likely to find them: Pets are the most likely option. But if you don't have any pets within your household, the most likely scenario is that you’ve had friends visiting with pets with fleas or moved into a house that has had cats or dogs living there - even though they may have moved out some time ago.


The Bolton News:

Silverfish like to eat paper, wallpaper and any associated glues, gums and pastes in books or walls, plus some textiles and other insects remains.

  • You're likely to find them: Scurrying around in the dark, and also in empty bathrooms that aren't completely dry.

Winter Moths

The Bolton News:

Winter moths, as the name might suggest, are most active between November and February.

  • You're likely to find them in: Places where there is cool, bright white lights in your home during the night.


The Bolton News:

Spiders are often spotted year-round, but particularly move into homes at the end of summer and start of autumn when temperatures begin to tumble.

The reason for this is because the cold-blooded creatures need to find a way to stave off the cold.

  • You're likely to find them in: Little nooks and crannies inside your home.


The Bolton News:

Ladybirds, mainly those with seven spots, start to move into UK homes as the temperature drops around November.

  • You're likely to find them in: Dark, warm spaces within your homes to hibernate through winter. They may also enjoy houseplants.