Football finally became cool again in the 1990s.

It might have been the minute John Barnes had finished his rap on World in Motion, or the last tear Gazza dried from his cheeks in the World Cup semi-final.

It might have been the fireworks and cheerleaders of Monday Night Football, the Alive and Kicking advert for the Premier League, or maybe that tune they play before every Champions League match.

But for anyone who had lived through the gloom and disorder of the eighties, it was a welcome sight.

Life at Bolton Wanderers was a microcosm of what was going on elsewhere. It was a time of massive change - the club dragged by Bruce Rioch from the doldrums and turned into cup giantkillers extraordinaire.  The spiritual home of Burnden Park replaced by a plush new stadium down the road in Horwich.

A team of hard-working British lads eventually evolved into a multi-cultural dressing room of multi-million pound international stars.

We wanted to shine a light on that period in Bolton's history, looking at what was happening in the UK at the time, what people were listening to and watching, but also speaking to the folk who were there. Every episode we will speak with special guests on a particular topic or day in Wanderers history - looking back with fresh (if hugely nostalgic) eyes.

The first episode centres on May 1992. The Premier League has not yet started and Bolton's form hits a wall under Phil Neal. The fans are not happy and we know what comes next...


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