Bolton Rugby Club’s Amazons girls ended their season on a high with a busy weekend.

First up, last Saturday, they ran their first ‘Love Rugby’ camp for girls in conjunction with the England RFU recruitment campaign.

Forty girls attended the event with 16 new players attending to try rugby at Bolton for the first time.

It was a resounding success and the club hopes over summer the girls’ teams at Bolton of Under-12s, U14s and U16s will be able to swell their numbers.

They have four more dates over summer for girls to attend and try out the game of rugby, the next being on Saturday, June 8 between 1-3pm.

The other dates will also be on Saturdays - June 22, July 6 and July 20 June, 6th July and July 20th - and all girls from Year 6 to Year 10/11 are welcome to attend.

The Amazons rounded off the weekend when a squad of 13 players attended the Tryit Girls Sevens tournament, at Aspull Rugby Club.

They played four games in total, winning three.

Their first game was against Egremont who had travelled down from Cumbria with two teams. The teams were evenly-matched but Bolton won 12-7, with Eleanor Shawcross crossing to win the game.

The next match saw them face Trafford MV - a match Bolton won 19-5.

The girls played some excellent rugby throughout the tournament keeping the ball alive which was a spectacle to watch.

Their third game was against Burnley, which Bolton won 45-0.

The final match was classed as a semi-final against Pool B winners, Littleborough.

It was a hard-fought game and Bolton should have a scored in the first half, having all the possession. But it was not to be on the day and Littleborough scored three tries in the second half to win the game, and eventually go on to be tournament winners.