MALCOLM ROLLING (HAS, July 8) reminisced about the 1950s when most boys were avid trainspotters. Unfortunately, time has dimmed his memory.

The “blinks” he refers to weren’t A3s they were A1s (like our very own Tornado) and A2s (like Blue Peter).

Only one A3 had full-length smoke deflectors (the blinks) and it was 60097 Humorist.

Based all its life at Haymarket shed in Edinburgh, Humorist could only be seen south of the border en route to and from the Doncaster works for repair.

Furthermore, the blinks weren’t fixed to the firebox (cab end) as Malcolm describes, they were attached to the smokebox (chimney end) of the boiler.

But I agree – they were halcyon days.

DW Lacey, Durham.