A man who has been blind since birth will be undertaking daredevil challenges including a  bungee jumping and zip-lining in memory of his trusted four-legged pal.

University of Bolton graduate Callum Stoneman, aged 24, is taking part in a series of daring challenges to raise funds for Guide Dogs UK after the death of his beloved and TV famous guide dog, Iggy.

The two were matched together by Guide Dogs in February 2016 and became inseparable over the years.

Callum has a rare condition called Norrie Disease resulting in complete blindness from birth and he remarked on how big of an impact Iggy had on his everyday life.

He said: “Everyone who has had a Guide Dog says they are life changing, and in my case this could not be more accurate.

The Bolton News:

“Between 2016 and now, I have moved to university and lived on my own in student accommodation, got my degree in computer networks and security, moved in with my girlfriend who I then married, started working full-time and travelled to so many places.

“All of this would not have been possible without Iggy.

“She was always so ready to work, so excited and confident even when I wasn't, she was quite literally my eyes, my knight in shining armour, my world.”

Iggy, better known by some as the Blue Peter Guide Dog, was closely followed by the media as well as the popular children’s TV show, from her birth and touched the lives of many people around the UK.

Following the passing of Iggy in February, Callum and his wife, Jess, have set out to fundraise as much as possible for the Guide Dogs UK charity.

The Bolton News:

Callum added: “It is thanks to Guide Dogs that I now live the life I do, and we would like to not only give back to Guide Dogs, but also to give someone else the chance to have their own life-changing Iggy.”

Callum will be participating in several challenges including the world fastest zip line, the Colour Rush Obstacle 5km run on June 17, a 5km run, and a 300ft bungee jump on August 5.

To support Callum’s fundraising, you can donate via Just Giving. www.justgiving.com/page/callum-iggy