Visitors to one of Bolton’s most popular parks could finally be set for some relief after toilets were closed for months.

The public toilets at Moses Gate Country Park were closed over the summer.

A recent meeting at Bolton Town Hall heard how this had been a problem for visitors, which had become especially acute after nearby Rock Hall’s successful lottery bid helped spark extra interest in the attraction.

Cllr Paul Sanders, of Farnworth South, said: “This has caused huge inconvenience for visitors to our country park, and has left some people facing extremely embarrassing personal predicaments in this location, unaware that the toilets wouldn’t be available.

“The closure of the toilet block has also had an impact on the activities programme offered by Banana Enterprise Network.

The Bolton News: Rock Hall recently won a National Lottery funding bidRock Hall recently won a National Lottery funding bid (Image: Banana Enterprise Network)

“Sessions and classes have been tailored around the fact that there were no public conveniences. Banana Enterprise Network have autumn and winter activities planned around Rock Hall, and early in the new year, the Heritage Lottery related activities are expected to begin.”

Cllr Sanders said that this was causing problems at a time when both Rock Hall and Moses Gate Country Park should be celebrated after Banana Enterprise with Bolton Council were jointly awarded development funding of £466,662 to revive the hall.

Once the first stage of the revival is complete Banana Enterprise will then be able to apply for the remaining £3.2million they need to transform the Grade II listed building.

Cllr Sanders said: “Rock Hall and Moses Gate Country Park are at the centre of local and national attention, following the amazing success of the Heritage Lottery funding bid by Banana Enterprise Network and Bolton Council to revive Rock Hall.

Moses Gate Country Park is one of the most visited destinations in the borough, and visits have increased further because of the exciting and engaging activities hosted by Banana Enterprise Network.”

But he noted that since he had sent his question in to Bolton Council the toilets had reopened, despite some “technical issues.”

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Bolton Council cabinet member for climate change and the environment Cllr Richard Silvester said he hoped that they would now stay open.

He said: “I can confirm that the public toilets in Moses Gate Park were temporarily closed in mid-August due to a nearby water mains leak that rendered the toilets unusable.

“Unfortunately, the toilets remained closed for around six weeks until the water main leak could be repaired.

“But I am pleased to report that this repair was carried out in late September and that the toilets have since reopened to the public and continue to be available during key operating times.”