A mystery celebrity has backed the bid to save one of Bolton's historic halls.

The organisation behind bringing Rock Hall in Farnworth back into community use has shared news that it has received a heartwarming letter in support of their Save Rock Hall project.

But Banana Enterprise Network is keeping the name of the well-known celebrity under wraps.

However, they will be sharing the letter with the National Lottery Heritage Fund, to which they have applied for a grant to restore the hall, in support of their bid.

If the charity is successful with their bid in September, they will be asking the celebrity if the letter can be published.

Jayne Allman, the charity's CEO, said: “We are so very grateful to the celebrity for writing a letter of support for our Rock Hall Revival project.

“When I read the letter out to my husband, who started the project with me, it was a very emotional moment for us both.

“It’s a heartwarming personal letter and we appreciate it so very much.

“It’s not easy working on projects like this and since we started the project in January 2020, we have experienced many highs and lows.

The Bolton News: Proposed design of Rock HallProposed design of Rock Hall (Image: Banana Enterprise Network)

“The letter we have received this week has given us and the project a real boost!

“At the moment we are keeping the details under wraps and only the National Lottery Heritage Fund will see the letter in May.

“However, if we are successful with our funding bid this year, we will ask the celebrity if we are able to publicly share the letter.

“The National Lottery Heritage Fund require letters of support as part of their funding bid application process.

“For last year’s funding bid, we had some great letters from local organisations that support us, and we are still looking for more.

“It had been suggested by one our professional advisors, that to have a letter from one or more celebrities who support our project, would be helpful.

“For the past two years, I have written to agents of various celebrities, but I have either not had any response or we were told that they couldn’t help.

“We understand that they must receive many requests though and thought that we would be very lucky if we managed to get a response one day.

“We are so thrilled to have received the letter!”

Banana Enterprise Network’s mission includes preserving and restoring Rock Hall in Moses Gate Country Park to educate the public in the historical, architectural and natural heritage that exists in and around the Hall.