This time last year five-year-old Camila Rose Burns was in hospital fighting a life-threatening condition.

Today the brave youngster is celebrating Christmas with her family after making  huge strides in her recovery and is making the most of the festive season.

Camila, from Westhoughton, was left fighting for her life in December last year having been admitted to Liverpool’s Alder Hey Children’s Hospital after becoming infected with Strep A.

As a result, Camila later contracted sepsis and went into septic shock which caused damage to her hands and feet due to a lot of skin having to be taken away.

She also suffered multiple organ failure as well.

Her mum Kaye Daniels says that Camila is doing “really well” and has gone back to St Thomas Chequerbent Church of England Primary School as normal, even getting to go to a Christmas party.

She said: “Her friends have helped her a lot with the structure.

The Bolton News: Camila with her sister FlorenceCamila with her sister Florence (Image: Tom Gradwell)“She’s doing well and tries to button up her own coat and likes to do a lot on her own and is quite independent.

“It’s amazing she’s here and that we have her back at Christmas.

“I go back to that time and think how easily it could have been so different.”

During the family’s last Christmas, Camila’s dad Dean went to see the tractor run outside Alder Hey’s Hospital and face timed Kaye.

This year Camila even had a special surprise visit from the same Father Christmas who visited her when she was in hospital last year.

Kaye added: “She’s excited to see Father Christmas, and excited to be home.

“Last year she was in intensive care and couldn’t get out of bed.

“It’s nice to be home for Christmas, and it’s a relief, because it’s so different to last year.”

Camila is also able to write and colour with her left hand following the impact of septic shock, despite being right-handed.

This means that is difficult for her to pick up things with her right hand.

She still has appointments, but they are mainly just check-ups for her legs, feet, and walking.

The Bolton News: Camila Burns with Father Christmas, Florence, Kaye, and her dad DeanCamila Burns with Father Christmas, Florence, Kaye, and her dad Dean (Image: Public)Kaye said: “She struggles to walk very far but can still run around and go on the trampoline and bouncy castle.

“She’s just like she was and tries at anything even if she is struggling.”

As a result of the septic shock Camila has also lost her toes on her right foot, and the ends of her fingers and thumb on her right hand.

Now Kaye wants more and more people to look out for the signs of sepsis.

She said: “I am constantly sharing what’s happened to her because I don’t want anyone else to go through it.

“I want everyone to be aware of the sepsis signs.

“I don’t want people to be scared to ask if it’s sepsis because I think some people become scared and I can understand because there was a time when I felt like that.

“If anything was to happen now, I wouldn’t worry if I thought I was overthinking.”

Take a look at the signs to look out for below:

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