A man bit his partner’s face a court heard. 

Adam Smith, aged 30, attacked his partner on two separate occasions and sent messages harassing her. 

Smith, of St Johns Court, Westhoughton, was sentenced at Bolton Crown Court on Thursday, January 4.

Prosecuting, William Donnelly said the  relationship lasted about a year or so until April last year.

He said: “She described the relationship as volatile, due largely to Mr Smith’s control issues.

“On April 15 she went to his address. There was an argument between them about his use of cocaine, which escalated into his violence against her.

“He kicked her to the floor, and whilst she was on the floor, he kicked her to the face, arms and legs, which resulted in bruising.”

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Read more: Man 'just and only just' avoids jail after 'shameful' assault on partner 

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The incident was reported to the police and he was arrested on April 22. Following a charge, he was released on bail and ordered not to contact her.

Mr Donnelly added: “Then followed, unfortunately, a campaign of telephone calls, texts and emails with threats, expressions of hatred and emotional blackmail when he said he was thinking of throwing himself off a bridge.

“Then followed the grossly offensive message along with the harassment.”

The message reads: “You f***ing reported me, you sly bitch."

On September 23, during an argument when she was waiting for a taxi, he “grabbed her by the hair and bit her to the cheek” leaving a “significant mark”. 

The Bolton News: The case was heard at Bolton Crown CourtThe case was heard at Bolton Crown Court (Image: Newsquest)

On a previous occasion at court, he had pleaded guilty to the four offences - assault occasioning actual bodily harm, common assault, harassment and grossly offensive communication. 

The common assault charge related to the biting of the cheek. 

Judge Nicholas Clarke KC said of this charge: "Why is it only a common assault when I have seen photographs where the bite is quite apparent and has left a significant mark on her cheek. 

"The defendant previously kicked and bit the woman on a separate occasion whilst on bail, and then assaults her further by biting her face, yet does not find a more serious charge. 

"It is not possible for me to reflect the nature of the allegation and the consequences of it in the punishment that will follow." 

Defending, Ben Ramsey told the court that Smith had been on remand in custody for the previous three months. 

He said how Smith did not know how to read and write and was struggling to obtain medication for his ADHD while in prison. 

Mr Ramsey added: "He has fully accepted he did bite her cheek." 

He also said how Smith had been working on his "significant" drug usage, having begun attending Narcotics Anonymous meetings prior to his arrest in September. 

Concluding, Judge Clarke said: "Information in the pre-sentence report shows a history of domestic violence in the relationship from as long ago as August 2022." 

He read out a victim personal statement from the victim following the biting attack, in which she said: " He always used to hit me after taking drugs, but this incident made me realise he stopped drugs but was still hitting me." 

Judge Clark added: "You do still present a high risk to the complainant and have shown yourself incapable of complying with court-imposed conditions. 

"Appropriate punishment can only be achieved with immediate custody." 

He sentenced Smith to 66 weeks imprisonment.