A Horwich high school appealed to traffic wardens to target the roads in its surroundings in an attempt to tackle problem parking.

St Joseph's RC High School appealed on social media last week to address concerns from residents around Chorley New Road.

Samantha Williamson, who works as a councillor for the area and as a member of the pastoral team at the high school, said problem parking is particularly prevalent since the start of this academic year as a result of an increase in the number of students.

St Joseph's RC School alone took on almost 200 additional students from across the boroughs of Bolton and Wigan due to demand, Cllr Williamson said.

She said the staff are on the scene at school in time and school out time but are in need of support from traffic wardens to target the roads in their surroundings.

She said: "The residents asked us to plea to the public regarding parking on yellow lines, etcetera, so the post on social media was to say we are aware of these residents and we want to be sensitive to them. 

"It was a plea to the public from us to say we need the support because we cannot tell the parents to move. We marshal the area but we cannot tell the parents to move because we do not have the authority.

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"We have never had any incidents. We have never had any injuries, or bangs and bumps, or anything.

"It was more the residents pleaded to us so we pleaded on social media to say we need the support."

A Bolton Council spokesperson appealed to parents not to park on double yellow lines or zig-zag lines.

They asked for parents wherever possible to look into "an alternative to driving".

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The Bolton Council spokesperson said: "We know parking outside schools is an issue in parts of the borough. Our parking services team visits schools to enforce as frequently as possible, and we work with schools, Greater Manchester Police and other partners to address the problem.

"Ultimately, however, the responsibility lies with drivers and we remind everyone parking on double yellow lines or zig-zag lines is dangerous and illegal. We would also encourage families wherever possible to consider walking to school or using public transport as an alternative to driving."

This article was written by Jack Tooth. To contact him, email jack.tooth@newsquest.co.uk or follow @JTRTooth on Twitter.