A Bolton councillor has urged residents to be vigilant after a second incident involving a masked man at a property.

There have also been concerns raised about a “new wave of burglars” operating in the area.

Last month a 66-year-old woman in Deane was left terrified after being disturbed by men wearing balaclavas entering her bedroom and demanding money.

The men left the property empty handed, disregarding valuable items and only asking for cash.

And now ward councillor Jack Khan has revealed a similar incident has taken place.

The incident took place on Monday, February 5 at around 9pm at a property near the Spa on Deane Road.

The woman believed the man, whose face was covered, was delivering a parcel at first.

But after she declined to answer the door he repeatedly banged on it leaving her terrified.

The woman later called family members who came to help her.

The Bolton News: Burglaries have been reported

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Cllr Khan spoke about the incident and called for police to step up patrols and for people not to answer the door to those they do not know at night.

He said: “She thought it was a parcel.

“He started banging on the door louder and louder.

“She was terrified.

“Her family got there in 15 to 20 minutes.

“It is similar to the earlier incident.

The Bolton News: Cllr Jack Khan

“I am very concerned about this.

“I do not know what the answer it.

“I am going to be calling the police to increase presence on the area and increase visibility.

“I would say to residents do not answer the door unless it is someone you know or someone official.

“You can ask if someone who is official to produce identification.

“Unless you are expecting someone like a takeaway do not answer the door.

“I think we have got a new wave of burglars.

“Before it was just the odd substance abuse people.

“Now I think we are getting a new wave as people are getting a bit desperate.”

Greater Manchester Police has been approached for a comment.