A daughter has hit out at vandals and thieves who have removed or damaged her mother's fence eight times.

Thai Albertoni-Sims said more than £1,000 has had to be spent by her mother Jaqueline Zeri at her home on Bleinheim Road, Breightmet, after it  was repeatedly targeted.

The family recently installed new fencing after a six-month delay due to the vandal attacks..

But within two weeks the panels had once again been removed.

The Bolton News: Some of the displaced fence was found nearby

Some of the older fencing was found across the road, but the newer materials have not been recovered.

The fencing was removed on a number of occasions between June and September last year.

On some occasions, it was damaged as it was secured by nails, and other times it was stolen.

In August last year the materials were discovered damaged in a fire which had been started in nearby Leverhulme park.

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Following the latest incident Mrs Albertoni-Sims hit out.

The Bolton News: The fence has been targeted numerous times

She said: “Police say they won’t come, each time it has been below £250.

“But all of the times together it has been over £1,000.

“My mum wanted to spend £500 on clearing up the garden but now it will have to be spent on this again.

“We all know each other on the street so I don’t think it has been anyone nearby.

“People around us are saying they have had problems with fences.

Police said not to put up any more fences unless we had a camera or a Ring Go.

The Bolton News: Another gap in the fence

“It had been six months snice we last put one up and it has happened again. It is a bit frustrating.”

The 30-year-old upholsterer said crime was a growing concern in the area.

She said: “My mum has lived here for 12 years.

“She has had two bikes stolen and I was the victim of a prank where someone knocked on the door pushed me over and took my keys.”

GMP have been approached for a comment