A simply 'pawfect' day was had by all at Smithills Hall.

Four-legged friends took centre stage as the popular dog show returned for another year.

Families were out in force with their 'best friend' enjoying the sunshine and having fun taking part in the many categories.

Siblings Elaine, John, and Yvonne Wheeldon bought their three-year-old dog Ollie, who not only won the best dress, but best of the show.

Dressed as a mini biker, Ollie stole the whole show with his cuteness.

They said: “We’re ecstatic he won, he never wins so it was a shocker.

“His jeans were made from old jean shirt.”

And while Ollie won the top prize, there was plenty of dog accolades to collect on the day.

Rachel and Eliza Edge bought 11-year-old Duke, who won the best rescue award after being found in a bin by Rachel, who then took him home and kept him.

She said: “I could hear this whimpering and I looked in the bin and he was there all matted and in a sorry state.

“He’s 11 and Eliza is 12 so they have pretty much grown up together.

“He’s a bit of a nervous dog, he doesn’t like doors banging or fireworks and he has got social anxiety, so he always needs to be with someone.

“Other than that, he is a good dog, he doesn’t bark but he is alright now.”

Michelle and Melissa Callow brought dogs George, Mildred, Bear, Bella, and Clover, who were all gearing up for the veteran position.

Michelle said: “It’s been a fabulous day with the sunshine.

“We’re having a wonderful say and the dogs are all so good.”

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Adrian Barr was sat having an ice cream with his dog, Bella.

He said: “It’s been very enjoyable and though Bella has not been in any events, we have had fun just having a look.

“She’s been very good as always, as she’s not really used to events like this, but we just thought we’d come for an afternoon out and see what was happening as it is a beautiful day.”

The dog show will return next year.