Police are set to patrol a Westhoughton park after residents raised concerns over groups of teenagers in the park.

Cllr John McHugh, who represents Labour for the Westhoughton South ward, has met with police after residents raised concerns over the groups.

Westhoughton's Cllr John McHugh has spoken to police about resident's concernsWesthoughton's Cllr John McHugh has spoken to police about resident's concerns (Image: Cllr John McHugh)

Cllr McHugh said: “There’s been no specific issues, but they’re looking at targeting Central Park at the beginning of next month.

“They’re going to start patrolling it during the day, but particularly at the end of school times where there may be issues, just to make it a good place for kids to go and play.

“I know when I’ve been speaking to local residents they’ve been concerned about behaviour at certain times on the park, so it’s basically just liaising what we’re doing.”

Cllr McHugh said groups of teenagers were gathering at the park and that patrols would help ‘reassure’ local people there is ‘nothing inadvertent’ going on.

Kids in Westhoughton's Central Park in 1963Kids in Westhoughton's Central Park in 1963 (Image: Newsquest)

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He continued: “I used to be a former teacher. When you see a group of teenagers people automatically assume the worst.

“But, there are people who are concerned by crowds of young people accumulating there, so that’s one of the things – there’s a little kids’ playground there, so it just needs to make sure that it’s safe to them.

“You don’t want negative role models in the vicinity.”

The park will now see regular patrols from police officers.

Cllr McHugh added: “One of the main starting points is to make sure that it’s a safe place for kids to go and meet other kids. There’s so few of them left in Westhoughton in terms of youth clubs and thinks like that. That’s one of the positive areas.”

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