People have complained about a spot in Bolton being used for fly tipping with calls for action to be taken.

The spot between the Horwich Loco Works and behind houses off Chorley New Road is full of rubbish.

Earlier this week a bike was discarded in the area.

Other items spotted in the area included rubbish bins, wheels, bags and children’s toys.

One resident even said they had heard of a dead deer had been dumped in the spot.

The Bolton News: Surveillance could be set up

Following this there have been calls for action.

One nearby resident said: “I have been here for five years and it has been an issue all that time.

“I am ill and I moved here to be near by sons and I am considering leaving.

“It is not as bad since they ripped the trees down a few months ago.

“I heard from someone round here there was a deer that got shot and the rest of it was dumped here."

The area is surrounded by fenced but a gap in this allows people to gain access.

Another nearby resident said: “I do want the council to do something about it.

“I heard there was a bike dumped here earlier this week.”

Ward councillor David Grant said he was aware previously of there being issues in the spot.

He said: “It is a place where fly tipping does occur.

“There is no real surveillance down here and the residents are sideways to it so they do not always see what is going on.

“The council will clear it up or the Horwich Clear Up Brigade will.

“It needs surveillance down there.

“I know of a group trying to look at remote surveillance to catch people but it needs to go through the magistrates court.”

Bolton Council take action against those caught fly-tipping. 

A new breed of enforcement officers are on the streets of Bolton to catch and fine those who drop litter.

Wearing a uniform, armed with a bodycam and hand held device, the officers will similar in style to car parking wardens, but rather than catching motorists breaking parking rules, they will be after those who throw rubbish on the streets.

Number of Bolton people have  been issued large fines after being caught fly tipping.

Residents of Matchmoor Lane, Horwich, previously complained about fly tipping over the Christmas period.