Police have been patrolling four of Westhoughton's antisocial hotspots and have urged residents to report any incidents.

Last night, officers took to Westhoughton to patrol areas that have been identified as repeat antisocial behaviour hotspots.

These areas include Wood Street, King Street, Bolton Road water tower, and Westhoughton Park.

A greater Manchester Police spokesperson from the Bolton West division said: “The Neighbourhood Team will continue with regular patrols but if you experience or witness anti-social behaviour you can report it online at https://orlo.uk/JJEhh.

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“The Neighbourhood Team hold regular drop-in surgeries in and around Westhoughton.

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“Details of the next drop-in will be advertised in due course”.

Operations to deter and address antisocial behaviour have also taken place in other areas of Bolton over the weekend. 

Read more: Police surgery held in Rumworth after anti-social behaviour problems

In Rumworth, PC Green and Police Community Support Officers (PCSOs) Ratcliffe and Cucos, held a street surgery and patrolled the area in response to ASB problems.