A pub landlady has been left in disbelief after a defibrillator was stolen from outsider her pub over night Monday.

Monique Brennan was shocked to see the potentially lifesaving piece of equipment was missing from outside her pub, The Gilnow Arms on Deane Road in Bolton.

The landlady said she could not understand why anyone would steal the expensive and life saving equipment as it could not be used without a code from medical professionals.

She said: “It is disgusting that somebody has stolen it.

“On Sunday morning, it looked like someone had tried to pull it off the wall.

The Bolton News: Monique Brennan

“Then I tightened it because it looked like it was lopsided.

“But to access it you need to ring the ambulance service so you can open the container it is in.

“On Monday I noticed as it was open and a customer told us this, so when we went out to look at it, the defib had been taken.”

The defibrillator cost around £1800 and was funded by the community through various fundraising events.

Monique said: “The target was £1800, and the community came together to raise this money, it was the customers so that if anybody needed it, it was outside to access.

“I am angry and upset because if anything happens in the next couple of weeks while it is not there, it could risk someone’s life.

“I am sure the customers will be angry.

The Bolton News: Defibrillator

“Now, we have the issue of it happening again.”

Admiral, who own the pub, will replace the defibrillator themselves and will also install  cameras directly looking down at it to ensure it is not stolen again.

Monique said: “I was going to ask if a business would help but Admiral said they will pay for a new one.

“I’m happy Admiral are going to replace it because they recognise what the customers did to pull together in the first place."

READ MORE: Bolton Lever Rotary Club fund new portable defibrillator

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READ MORE: Westhoughton residents take part in CPR and defib training

She added:“It is unbelievable to be honest. It is no use to anybody, so it is just a senseless crime.”

Monique has only been at the pub for eight weeks but the pub has had the defibrillator for around eight months.

She said: “It is really important to have it replaced.

“We have customers who have had heart attacks and, this could save lives.”