The unseasonal weather certainly did not put a dampener on a primary school's summer fair.

Beaumont School staged its traditional annual event to which the Mayor of Bolton Cllr Andy Morgan was invited to.

Representatives from the local police force, fire service and Bolton Mountain Rescue Team were invited.

Headteacher Stacey Postle said: ""Despite the rain, our summer fair was a tremendous success with lots of fun and a great turnout!

"A huge thank you to the PSA, Mrs. Williams, our business manager, and the children who provided the games. Special thanks to Ladybridge Farm for bringing their wonderful petting zoo, which the children absolutely adored. We were also honoured to have the mayor visit and brave the weather with us. It was a memorable day for everyone involved!"

Cllr Morgan said: "Even though the sun didn’t shine it didn’t stop the children and parents supporting the school.

"Beaumont Primary School is more than just a place of learning; it is a community.

"They endeavour to create a love of lifelong learning, grow healthy resilient minds and develop aspirational future citizens.

"Well done to the headteacher, Stacey Postle and her team, along with the schools governing body for organising a very successful, if rainy, event."

Families enjoyed browsing the many stalls, having a go on the fairground rides, bouncy castles, games.

And visitors from Ladybridge farm attended to add little bit of animal magic.

Beaumont Primary School is one of Bolton's top performing schools.

It came second in the borough for its Key Stage Two results.

Ofsted found that is it a place where children ‘flourish’ and is on track to become outstanding.

Beaumont Primary School received a glowing report from Ofsted during a recent visit, with inspector Sally Rix finding that pupils ‘arrive smiling each morning, eager to start the day’.