
  • Man killed in works tragedy

    A BAKERY worker was killed under the wheels of a lorry in a tragic works accident. Investigations were continuing today into the incident at Warburton's Bolton bakery. Emergency services were called to the company's Hereford Street site yesterday after

  • Beardsley waits in the wings

    PETER Beardsley will spend the next few days wondering whether he will get the chance of a happy return to St James' Park. The former Newcastle idol still can't hold down a regular place with Wanderers and was expected to be on the subs' bench again today

  • Carry on Mr C

    SIR: I refer to Mr Done's letter (BEN, December 19). I wish to say, that most of the tenants in Park View appreciate what Mr Collison has done, regarding the Singing Clough development, and don't see what it has to do with Mr Done, especially as he himself

  • Bring in the trams

    SIR: I wish to support Marjorie Bett's campaign to bring Metrolink trams to Bolton town centre (BEN, January 3 1998). Once again, through your letters page, complaints are coming in on town centre car parking fees. I touched on this subject, along with

  • Naive swipe

    SIR: Mr Makara's side swipe at the Government's economic policy was amusing, if not a little naive. To think that you cannot maintain low inflation and, at the same time, achieve long term sustainable growth shows a poor grasp of a subject he pretends

  • Thompson's England dream at risk

    ALAN Thompson has been warned to watch his step if he wants to realise his international ambitions. Wanderers boss Colin Todd has tipped the 24-year-old midfield ace for England honours but fears his disciplinary record could stand in his way. "Alan has

  • The band plays on

    SIR: I refer to the letter signed "Disappointed" 'in the BEN January 1, and on behalf of the Eagley Band, I would like to reply as follows. Firstly it should be noted that the members of the band who play on Boxing Day do so on a purely voluntary basis

  • Gay gas worker in sex bias sacking fight

    A GAY Bolton man is set to take British Gas to an industrial tribunal claiming the company discriminated against his sexual orientation. Former fork lift truck driver Paul Gibson went on sick leave in April last year as he says he struggled to come to

  • 25 YEARS AGO

    From the Evening News, January 10, 1973 TO use a traditional hunting cry, the Holcombe Hunt's point-to-point meeting has 'gone away'. After 50 years in this area - almost always at Nab Gate - the event is to be switched to the Vale of Lune Hunt's course

  • Daily poem

    The Palace of Varieties, as it's sometimes known, Wherein both Lords and Commons strive and groan. Who, bowed beneath the shackles of the Whips. With all our problems, never seem to get to grips. Sometimes their mental state we did suspect; For they commanded

  • The myths flourish

    SIR: Judging by the few protesters of my last letter, some myths have been allowed to flourish. The Russian Revolution was not a coup. The long feared event was understood well by the the privileged classes who sent in large armies to stamp out the power

  • Spice up our parks!

    BOLTON must move with the times and follow the example of London and major European cities when it comes to livening up their parks. That's the advice of Planning Committee member Cllr Cliff Morris who supported a bid to build a restaurant and bar in

  • Todd insists players must clean up their act

    IT was the last thing Wanderers wanted. Defeat in the FA Cup was hard enough to swallow and losing to Barnsley, of all teams, added insult to injury. But more disciplinary black marks and another ugly punch-up..! It never rains but what it pours. Little

  • Tackling poverty

    SIR: All this criticism about the New Deal, and the changes to the Welfare State, forget one thing - Labour was elected on a mandate to tackle poverty, and said it would do this, not by spending even more on benefits, but by giving people opportunities

  • Bishop returns to resurrected church

    ST Bartholomew's Church, Westhoughton, is hoping for a less fiery visit from their bishop a week on Sunday. For the last time the Bishop of Hulme preached, the church burned down the following Wednesday! In the early hours of November 29, 1990, fire swept

  • Hearty thanks

    SIR: I was a winner of the Greenwood Restaurant, Horwich, Competition BEN. I went there recently with my husband for the prize of a meal for two. The meal was excellent, and we enjoyed it very much. Many thanks Mrs B Priestley Bradshaw Previous news story

  • Asking for Arnold

    SIR: I am endeavouring to trace an old wartime RAF pal, by the name of Arnold Lythgoe, who played soccer with Bolton Wanderers in his teens, and Accrington Stanley after the war. He lived then, I believe, in Oakenbottom Road or a similarly named street

  • Ian's recipe was great

    SIR: I had to write to tell you - you've done it. You've succeeded where other cookery books and magazine have failed. What? I hear you say. I'm not a bad cook, and I'm okay at pastry and sponges, but with fruit cakes I'm hopeless. For years my Mum made

  • X-POP3-Rcpt: csudlow@Hercules

    From: Culche Date: Wed, 31 Dec 1997 22:38:28 EST To: Subject: geneaology Organization: AOL ( Queen at t'mill SIR: I am trying to get some information on my great great grandfather who worked

  • Mum to 100 brings hope to young lives

    GRANDMOTHER Leslie Sagar warns callers to her home with a sign which proclaims "Sagars' Madhouse". For inside the large Victorian house in Bolton town centre, visitors are likely to find the kind of chaos associated with up to eight children living under

  • Family firm wrecked by blaze

    A FAMILY business has been gutted after a car repair workshop went up in flames sparking a major safety alert. Fire crews raced to the garage on Chorley New Road, Horwich at 9.30pm last night and battled through the night in a bid to save the workshop

  • When King Fuad came to town

    IT may be almost 50 years since Gandhi was assassinated, but, in Bolton at least, he refuses to lie down! No doubt you will recall the question last November: Did he come to Bolton? Certainly nothing official exists of any such visit during his trip to

  • March for tragic taxi man

    UP to 2,000 members of the Asian community were expected to take part in a town centre march in memory of tragic taxi driver Quadir Hussain today. Mr Hussain died when he was struck by a car on St Peter's Way after an incident in his vehicle. Family,

  • Is Stan the man for Burnley?

    STAN Ternent's name is constantly being linked with the manager's job at Burnley, whether it is vacant or not. The Bury boss was said to be in the frame after Adrian Heath quit Turf Moor to join Howard Kendall at Everton last season and now, to the understandable