RE the recent letter by Cllr Paul Wild of Astley Bridge (“Get rid of the empty shops”, March 7).

Most of his comments cannot be disputed. The main Blackburn Road is, indeed, one of the busiest roads in our town.

He is also correct in stating that Asda is certainly contributing by boarding up what were once thriving shops, which are now a disgrace to our community.

However, I query his statement that all the businesses in Blackburn Road take a great deal of pride in the visual appearance of shop and office frontage.

The road from Bridge Street up to and including the full length of Blackburn Road is a disgrace, none more so than the Three Pigeons pub.

When I was much younger this was the most frequented pub in the district — not now though.

So please, Cllr Wild, let’s see if you can may be help to persuade Asda and your constituents to remedy this.

B P Gallagher Florence Avenue Astley Bridge