IT is rare for me to agree with Cllr Nick Peel’s decision making, especially on planning matters, but praise is surely due for his willingness to send in detailed replies for publication that address issues raised about waste collection arrangements.

I must admit that it came as a real surprise to read (Letters, March 9) that the contents of the green (garden waste) bin are regarded as landfill and subject to hefty fines per ton.

How can this be when the contents are apparently taken for shredding and pulping, etc, and turned into compost?

Of course, the contents of the grey bins are deemed as real waste, but can it be right that Bolton Council is fined when this is taken off to be burned for electricity generation, in the main, rather than landfill?

I have read that the GM Waste Authority sends bulky waste such as old bed mattresses and furniture over by rail to the East Coast and a landfill site at Wroxby, near Hull, but that element is surely the only waste tonnage that should be subject to EU fines.

I wonder if Cllr Peel would agree that the additional financial pressure placed on councils by the EU Waste Directive is unreasonable and unjust? The trouble is that his Labour Party boss, “Red Ed” Milliband, will not permit a public vote on continued membership of the EU and all of its crackpot policies.

Perhaps Cllr Peel will have to consider voting for the Tories, or UKIP, at the next general election who, I gather, are keen to allow a public vote on continued EU membership — that is if we are gullible enough to trust any further in the empty promises uttered by one David Cameron.

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