TRYING to get a doctor's appointment at my local GP's surgery is difficult at the best of times.

It requires skilled diplomacy generally seen used only by the UN when brokering a peace deal to persuade the “efficient” receptionist that you genuinely ARE ill enough to warrant 10 minutes of your doctor's time.

You have to be available at the most inconvenient time for you — only to sit in a waiting room for 30 minutes.

You'd think this first point would be fairly obvious.

But if the warnings and pleadings from the NHS, both locally and nationally, are anything to go by it would seem increasing numbers of people are rushing to see their family doctor when they clearly don't need to.

Some of the worst offenders seem to be those people suffering with colds.

I agree the common cold can often leave you feeling as if you are dying — but we all know there is absolutely nothing the medical profession can do to cure it and if you're struck down by one you just need to ride it out.

So I'm keeping my fingers firmly crossed I don't get ill enough to pay a visit to my GP this winter — because I don't think there's any way I'd get an appointment.