CORE strength, what’s it all about?

In simple terms, your core muscles are all the muscles around your centre — abdominals, back, hips and pelvis.

They are used to stabilise the pelvis and spine, they are also needed for bladder control and by women during child birth.

For many who exercise, these muscles can often be neglected.

If you are new to exercise then your initial thoughts may not be on starting to build a solid foundation — strengthening your core — before jumping on a treadmill or throwing out a few squats or press ups. But this is definitely what should be first on your agenda.

Without the strength around your centre it can be difficult to execute exercises correctly. It will be difficult to maintain good posture, especially when you begin to tire and also you have a much greater chance of injury.

It also leads to improved balance, stability, reduced muscular/postural imbalances, improved posture, which in turn will reduce back, neck, shoulder, knee pain — need I go on!

Here’s the best bit, core muscles are not difficult to strengthen.

In fact you don't need to go anywhere or use fancy equipment to strengthen them.

Core exercise can be as basic or as advanced as you need them to be, starting from literally just tightening the muscles. Try lying on your back and placing your hands on the bony part of your hip at the top. Then move your fingers inwards an inch or so and press down gently. Try to tighten the muscles underneath your fingers so they become firm.

See if you can hold this for 10 seconds whilst you continue to breath.

Ask your instructor or trainer for tips or advice on strengthening your core muscles.