I HAVE done something completely out of character and, for me, brave.

I have ventured out into to the post-Christmas sales.

It is no secret to anyone who knows me that I am not a natural shopper.

It's not that I'm not interested in clothes, although if I'm honest, I'm not THAT interested.

Don't get me wrong, I like a nice frock, or a new pair of boots, but I look at those people who can effortlessly “put together” a stunning outfit from an array of clothes I could never get to look nice no matter how hard I tried with a mixture of envy and awe.

Accessories are a bit beyond me. I own a handbag. In fact, I own several and like them all, but I use them to put things in rather than as a fashion statement.

And, if I'm honest, quite a few (well, most really) of my clothes are bought from the supermarket while I'm doing my weekly shop, or when I nip out to buy a buttie at lunch-time.

I come over all hot and bothered when I walk into a full shop. And if there's a big queue for the tills or changing rooms, I'll generally just walk out again.

And if there are rows of “bargains” scattered all over rails, well, I just cannot summon the energy to route through them all.

But so many people had told me of the amazing bargains they'd picked up in the sales, some even getting up at 5am on Boxing Day (I still think this is madness and will NEVER do it), I knew I would have to try it.

I adopted the same approach I have always used when it comes to shopping – short, sharp bursts.

No day long sessions for me.

And, even though it was stupidly busy with people pushing each other out of the way to snag that last bargain and many, many prams being rammed into the back of my ankles, a part of me really enjoyed it.

Not least because it was really nice to see the high street so packed. Yes, I'm sure you can get “good” bargains online – but nothing beats bagging a steal in person.

So, I'll still never be a natural shopper – but I DID pick up a nice frock for £3 and a grand handbag for a tenner.