THERE is a treaty that is being aggressively pushed through the Senate in America, which we in the UK have already agreed to sign, and that is the Transpacific Partnership.

The TPP, as it is being called, is designed to strengthen trade between nations signing up to it.

What we are not being told is that any business that falls under it will be able to bypass objections from local communities in the area where this trade will take place and also bypass objections from elected bodies.

The TPP strips away our democratic rights to object to someone building a power station at the bottom of our gardens, for example.

A few years ago, the US tried the same thing, only it was called the multilateral agreement on investment. This MIA was also implicit in stripping citizens of their democratic rights.

However, this was stopped from becoming a policy in Europe, thanks to Germany who showed massive resistance to it.

If you value your democratic rights, then we must oppose the Transpacific Partnership because you won’t have any rights once this appalling idea reaches the statute books.

Big businesses and corporations already have enough power and say in what is going on in the world. The TPP will create a situation where companies have more rights than humans.

Steve Jones Morris Green