SCORES of media commentators described me last week as a chauvinistic, anti-feminist anachronism, and worse. This came about because, in a radio interview, I suggested there is a difference in degree between rape and a man putting his hand on a woman’s leg through clothing, and that any punishment should be proportionate.

I did not say it was acceptable to put an unwanted hand on someone else’s leg, nor for an Italian man in years past to pinch a woman’s bottom. My error was not to make this explicit and I apologise. I have never approved of such actions.

Perhaps I was ahead of my time in thinking they would be inappropriate when I was 20, but my views have not changed now that I am approaching 60 and I am glad they now have widespread acceptance.

I am well used to being criticised for the Liberal opinions I express. It is unusual and upsetting to find myself condemned for holding views which I do not.

Chris Davies Liberal Democrat MEP for the North West