MAY I reply to Steve Kenyon’s letter “Biblical Silence” (March 26).

I do not pluck a scripture or two to support my wishes. I cross reference with other factors first without bias. It says at 2 Timothy: “All scripture is beneficial for teaching, reproving, and setting things straight.”

I also use historians of the times, such as Josephus and Tacitus. What does he refer to? He talks of ignorant and unfamiliar. Is he fully aware of what the Bible holds? There are many facts about this planet that the culture of the times he is on about could not have possibly known such facts. They did not possess the technology, unlike today.

But whoever put them in the Bible knew and was not influenced by the culture of any time. I know of at least 20 facts.

One example is Isaiah talking about the “Circle of the Earth,” yet for years it was thought to be flat. As for myself, I am looking for the truth, not trying to score points against anyone. That attitude serves no-one.

Grenville Moore Melbourne Road Bolton