"THE town council still divided" (January 4) raises the question, do we need a town council?

As well as the reporting and counter reporting to the Standards Board, there was the incident of the losing of documents apertaining to the closure of the Drop In Centre, and councillors changing parties without re-election.

The precept was misused according to the town/parish rules for paying for crossings, on the excuse that Bolton Council could not afford them, or they did not meet their criteria. In this case, I say they were not needed.

All seven of our local towns pay the Bolton council tax, and there always seems to be money for the four of them which do not have a town council.

Apart from town meetings, do Westhoughton town councillors go around their wards to see what needs doing - which is what the town council was set up to do?

Alfred Thorne, Church Street, Westhoughton