TRYING to find a balance between family, work and our own health and fitness can be difficult.

As parents we tend to put our families and work before ourselves.

Our own health and fitness doesn’t seem a priority especially when we have a young family and bills to pay.

In reality though, if we are not looking after ourselves, eating rubbish food and suffering from lack of exercise then we will be feeling pretty rubbish, possibly without realising it.

If we aren’t feeling great then this will reflect on our performance at work and our enjoyment of our family.

Looking after ourselves will benefit all those around us.

It’s so much easier to run around after toddlers and play in the park when you have energy, just like you have so much more focus and drive when your diet is good.

With busy lives and lack of free time I know it is difficult to fit everything in.

If an hour gym session just isn’t possible then find what is possible. 10 minutes? fifteen minutes?

Then find a part of the day that you can fit it in.

Maybe wake up ten minutes earlier and fit in a small circuit of a few body weight exercise such as squats, lunges, press ups, etc.

Some gyms will have crèches that you could use while you train, or think about taking children to a football or sports club and you could utilise that time for your own exercise too.

Eating well is important and as a parent you are leading by example.

If your children are fussy eaters then it can be easy to just stick fish fingers and chicken nuggets on their plates and eat their leftovers. Try not to.

If you can eat well in front of them then gradually introduce different foods on to their plates they can experiment with new tastes and flavours.

I find cooking larger portions helps with time, keeping the extra for the next days lunch or snacks so I don’t get caught out with nothing prepared.

There are lots of websites with healthy eating and living ideas for busy parents, from games to play to get you both active to easy recipes for healthy snacks that you can make with your children.

l To get in touch with Claire, follow her on Twittter @CLKpt or email