WITH less that 10 months to the General Election, the main players are already playing the game, jockeying for position and candidly “stealing policy”.

Big Dave is stealing thunder from UKIP on immigration. Ed is suggesting time for “public questions” along with PM Questions. The others are saying nothing as they have nothing much of substance to say — UK politics sorted.

Big Dave’s Chancellor tells us we are 0.2 per cent better than in 2008 by way of GDP. No further inflation built in over six years and no consideration of the fact that three million more people live in the UK since 2008.

Factor this into the equation and we learn that the majority of UK citizens are 10 per cent worse off than in 2008, with less or no security and less or no future.

Further factor in and learn that the “gap” between lower and higher society is bigger now than since the 1950s.

Maths teaches we need. Manipulators and massagers of the figures we do not.

S Entwistle Limefield Road, Bolton