EAGLE eyed readers will have noticed a couple of minor changes in my column in the last month or so.

Firstly, my picture by-line at the top left of the page has changed. My colleagues subtly let me know that I no longer looked quite as youthful as the previous picture – taken back in 2008 when I was a fresh faced trainee.

They tried to sooth my ego by telling me that I had lost weight and actually looked better now – but I know the truth.

And secondly, there’s now an advert on the page (see left). I can only assume this is because local firms have been calling us up begging to be featured on what must surely be the best read page in the paper every week.

Please be assures that I won’t be letting this affect my editorial impartiality. My journalistic ethics are rock solid.

I don’t care how many freebies companies want to send to Steven Thompson, The Bolton News, Wellsprings, Victoria Square, BL1 1AR, my opinions cannot be bought.

Advertising these days has got so much more intelligent – especially online. It is like the internet knows what you want before you even know.

It really is like Big Brother is watching you.

It has got to the point where you only really see adverts that are tailored to you – such that if you see an ad that has no relevance, it sticks out like a sore thumb.

So, at the moment, we’re planning our wedding, and hoping to get married in France. Google knows this because we’ve been searching for chateaux and vineyards – so I’m not getting adverts for companies which plan weddings abroad.

I also want – but can’t afford – a new car. So I keep looking at different models and as such am being taunted by car adverts, even though I have no intention of buying.

But this is clever advertising too. The more I see these adverts, the more I’ll start convincing myself that, yes, I do need that car.

Sod it. I might as well just give in and buy one so I stop getting harassed by these bloody adverts.

More worryingly, this week, I saw an advert for nappies pop up on my screen. Now unless the internet knows something I don’t, then this one didn’t quite hit the mark. Then again, I am getting married next year so perhaps Big Brother is just thinking logically.