WE in Smithills Labour Party would like to congratulate Cllr Roger Hayes for being selected as the next Mayor of Bolton.

As the role of mayor is a non-political, largely ceremonial role, presumably Roger will no longer be leading the Lib Dem "group" (of three) and will therefore not be claiming the Special Responsibility Allowance that he claimed in 2015/16 of over £2,800?

You remember SRAs? Roger has campaigned vigorously for them to be cut... despite all the while claiming his.

It is a matter of public record (Bolton Council website - councillors expenses) that between 2012-16 Roger claimed over £10,000 of Bolton Council Tax payers’ money for the 'special responsibility' of leading his trio.

Happily, now he is mayor for a year he won't be claiming it...will he? Maybe Smithills council tax payers should ask him at his next surgery.

At least, if he isn’t claiming it, Roger will be finally “cutting the cost of politics in Bolton”, if only for a year.

Ian Coulthard

Chair Smithills Ward

Labour Party