I AGREE with every word that Maurice Lawson has written, “Unhappy with development at old graveyard” (January 30), about Lee Lane United Reformed Church graveyard.

I too had relatives buried there — but then, since I’m related to Maurice, I would, wouldn’t I?

Still, that’s Horwich for you — kick one of us and we all limp.

One of the headstones was that of Leonard Redmayne, who was minister there from 1784-1829.

There were three war graves there and graves of little children. Now all gone.

Those headstones were bought and paid for by family members, commemorating people whom they had loved. How can someone come along and just remove those headstones, which belong to someone else?

How often do we read of vandals overturning and breaking gravestones and the distress that causes to people who come to visit their loved ones’ graves?

I, and I am sure others, always imagined a graveyard to be consecrated ground.

Well, it ain’t necessarily so. Only an Anglican graveyard is consecrated ground, not a non-conformist one.

Cynthia Pearcy, Brownlow Road, Horwich