IN response to the individual who contributed “British jobs policy would only backfire”, (Letters, March 2), I would be very interested to see the statistical evidence to support their claim that there is a larger exportation of British labour than importation of foreign labour. The person writing the letter identified nurses and construction workers as being two of our largest “exports” over the last few years; I suspect they have also been two of our largest “imports”.

The “get on your bike and find employment in another country” approach only works if you are prepared to go and resettle. I don’t want foreign construction workers coming here to take my work and I don’t want to go to their country and take theirs.

“British jobs for British workers” is a phrase which has been banded around quite flippantly, most notably, in my opinion, by trade unions like UNITE which are now prepared to stand shoulder to shoulder with striking British workers but only a few months ago were quite happy to support foreigners taking British jobs. We have to choose between our country and internationalism.

Anthony Backhouse Horwich