REGARDING the reactionary half-baked rant, “Not diversity, but overcrowding” by Ken Cunniff (Letters, April 18).

Firstly, Ken, I myself am white. Secondly, I stand by what I said about white, public school educated men milking the country dry. Don’t you read the papers or have none of your friends lost their jobs yet?

In my letter, I never implied anything about who was or wasn’t a drain on resources.

I didn’t have to imply anything. The bankers and stock market traders are milking us all dry — that isn't implication, Ken, that’s a fact!

You really should have read my letter properly and not looked for subtext or implication.

But instead I suppose at least your lack of insight into my letter has exposed your own racism and bigotry regarding non-British groups who live, or are trying to live, in the UK.

Steve Jones Great Lever