A decision by Horwich Council to object to the proposed pharmacy at the surgery of Dr Korlipara and partners beggars belief.

It is an insult to their intelligence that they would not provide adequate security for this building.

They would, Iā€™m sure, not leave the windows unprotected overnight by providing shutters and alarm systems, as most pharmacies do these days.

Security cannot be used as an argument, as any business is fair play to a burglar, hence all the shutters on the shops in Horwich.

As for the parking, it is known that diners use the car parking facilities at the surgery at night, when going out for a meal.

They can be gone for two hours ā€” not the few minutes needed to get some pills and potions!

Drive along Lee Lane at night and have a look at all the cars parked along it, some no doubt illegally.

The surgery is only trying to provide a service for patients, especially if they intend to be open when most chemists are shut.

Not everyone can get to Middlebrook and the town has a lot of elderly people.

If this pharmacy planning application goes through, it would be interesting if the town councillors who objected to this plan started to go there instead of driving further afield.

J Rostron Blackrod