STEVE JONES’ ridiculous allegation (Letters, December 7) of a BNP threat to a Bolton News letter writer sounds like another salvo in the anti-BNP dirty tricks campaign.

This is a very serious accusation, so if he has any real evidence, it should be handed to the police, but I suspect that all this is just another product of his fertile imagination.

Steve Jones personally became no stranger to political threats when he wrote in this letters column (December 15, 2008), “you cannot blame anyone with half a brain for wanting to stop the BNP, using any means available”. So, according to his distorted moral compass, it’s permissible to lie, smear, and perhaps even use physical violence — “using any means available” — against the BNP and its supporters, so perhaps he knows more about this mysterious threatening letter than he cares to admit.

If Mr Jones is in denial of the above quote, I can assure him that I have in my possession an original newspaper cutting of his letter of December, 2008. His boast to have a strong sense of fairness and justice smacks strongly of hypocrisy, and, of course, his letter of December, 2008, has placed him in an embarrassing offside position when he tries to score political goals against the BNP.

I would prefer to debate the BNP’s economic policy to recover Britain’s manufacturing industries than react to Steve Jones’ infantile smears, but this time his outrageous claim demanded a strong response.

Carl Hemmings Fairmount Avenue Bolton