MAY I thank Mr D James for his explanation, that God does not exist when he realised he could think for himself.

Like the scientists’ theory of the origin and evolution of life on earth, the scientists’ account is an explanation of what they think occurred. It is a truthful theory of what they believe in, it is not a total fact.

If I may quote the greatest living scientist, Stephen Hawkins, it is impossible to discuss the beginning of the universe without the concept of God.

It is possible that God’s work lies in ways we cannot describe with scientific laws.

If we could have a unified complete theory of physics, we would perhaps know more about a creator.

It is also quoted by the leading scientists of NASA, when the latest test probe came back to earth with the Big Bang Ripples, which were consistent with the scientists’ view of the Big Bang Theory, which were hailed as the discovery of the century, if not all time, with the quote it was like looking at God!

And the findings give a more respectable theory to there being a creator, than at any time in the last 100 years.

When you consider that the top 50 Nobel Prize winners in physics were all followers of their different faiths, ie Christians, Jews, Quakers, Anglicans, Methodists, Muslims, Catholics, it would seem that their faiths give some credence to the theory of a God who, quoting S Hawkins, says, if the laws of physics do originally belong to God, it seems he has left it to mankind to evolve the universe and does not seem now to intervene in it.

Whatever we believe, the suffering in the world, Mr James, is not God’s work — if you believe in God — but mankind’s work. As for him coming down and showing himself to stop all the suffering, pain and death, caused by man, I think he tried that 2,000 years ago, if you are a believer.

D Wrennall Eldon Street Bolton