RECENTLY, a tragedy occurred at the junction of Tanners Brew and the A6 at Blackrod.

This morning, there was nearly another one.

To the lady in the 4x4 turning right on to the A6 to from Blackrod, you very nearly wiped out two generations of a family — my family, consisting of my daughter and two grandchildren.

Your total ignorance of the rules, compounded by the fact that you were on your mobile at the time (witnessed by a nine-year-old boy) beggars belief.

Were you making arrangements to go for coffee, after dropping your darlings off at school?

Would three lives have been worth it?

Luckily, my daughter averted the situation. Ironically, if there had been a crash, I would probably have seen the aftermath from my home, which overlooks the A6.

Think what you are doing! My family are important to me. I don’t want to lose them because of some totally selfish person who could have made this call beforehand.

Jean Rostron Castlecroft Avenue Blackrod