I HAVE just received a Focus leaflet from two of my councillors in Horwich North East — Bob and Barbara Ronson. However, the leaflet seems to be edited by two other people who I have not heard of before.

I know that it is a usual Lib Dem tactic that the editor of Focus is the candidate at the next local election but, with there being two editors, it would therefore suggest that both will be Bolton Council candidates.

Bob Ronson should be up for reelection this May and Barbara next year.

I am rather concerned that both of them are going to retire this year and, in Barbara’s case, a year early.

Could I therefore ask Bob and Barbara to confirm if they are both staying on as councillors, or both retiring, as the leaflet which I have received is confusing and I doubt that I will vote for the other two people shown as editors as I do not have a clue who they are.

Name and address supplied