I ENJOYED reading the letter (“Bring some fun back to Bolton”, April 27) about how the town centre has nothing to offer to people, regarding entertainment, that would stand it in good stead for becoming a city.

The writer mentioned the greyhound track and stock car racing. I couldn’t agree more. If you want to see a film you have to travel out to the Valley, not easy to get to if you do not have your own transport, or Middlebrook.

There are no swimming baths in the town centre either.

Bolton used to have at least two cinemas and the Water Place, as well as having the Nevada roller skating rink. These were places that families could visit within the town centre. Now all we have are bars and clubs.

If Bolton wants to become a city it has to establish places for families to go to and not just places for teenagers and 20-year-olds to get drunk and maybe have a fight in.

Only when the town centre is fit and safe for families to go to for an evening’s entertainment will it warrant becoming a city.

J O’Connor Little Lever