RE the letter “Don’t stand by and let evil triumph in Libya” by Ainsley Casson (April 25).

The conflict in Libya is nothing like the description given by Mr Casson’s ranting wishful thinking.

The main reason the West is in Libya is the same reason that it was in Iraq and that is to secure oil supplies. Libya has very accessible oil that doesn’t need much in the way of treatment before it can be used.

Let us not forget all of the peoplefriendly rhetoric offered by Bush and Blair when they invaded Iraq.

They both claimed the reason they were there was to get rid of Saddam Hussein and protect the Iraqi people. On the contrary, coalition forces were responsible for the deaths of around a million Iraqis, more deaths than Saddam was responsible for during his four decades in power.

If we do not want evil to triumph in Libya, then we should not get involved in the conflict with our armies, unless we want to see a another million dead in the name of oil and lucrative reconstruction contracts, as was the case in Iraq.

Steve Jones Morris Green