DURING some part of September 11, I was asked by my wife whether or not I felt anything for the Americans on yet another 9/11 news item. I told her I sincerely felt for the families of the people who suffered and lost loved ones, but I felt nothing for the nation as a whole.

When asked “why?” I replied because of all the years the American government, and people as a whole, did next to nothing to stop all the money and weapons that left America going to support terrorist activities in Ireland.

I should think that if all the lives lost during the “troubles” were added up, they would come to a higher figure than the death list of the Twin Towers, a list made up of women and children, as well as policemen and soldiers.

The list includes losing countless homes and businesses, of whole communities having their hearts ripped out by explosions. Done with weapons and bomb-making materials paid for with the almighty American dollar in “donations” from America to the IRA and other organisations.

Desmond Magurk Bolton