WHILE I would agree with what Grenville Moore (“Blair wrong on morality”, September 9) has to say, I must emphasise the Bible is more than a book of moral guidance. It is the history of the divine plan of salvation for mankind.

In the early chapters we have the account of how mankind became the selfish, sinful human being he is: “I must have the forbidden fruit. Never mind the consequences of my action.”

The recent rioters had a similar selfish atttude, irrespective of the shopkeepers they put out of business.

God sent us Jesus Christ, who eventually was crucified, dead and buried to reconcile all men to God.

He was vindicated when he rose on Easter Day.

This is all recorded in the New Testament, which also gives directions on how we can all be reconciled to God, who enables us to live the moral and upright life which is so needed today.

The only process which will save Britain and the world is a return to the God of the Bible.

Philip H Hayworth Mornington Road Bolton