CLLR John Walsh’s recent letter is factually incorrect in claiming that the council has “scrapped” the bodies for bringing together public and private sector partners to address the economic and skills challenges of Bolton.

The key is making sure we focus on the areas which are most important and being clear about where we target our efforts and resources.

This is why, in addition to the Economic Partnership, the membership of which we are reviewing to secure even more private sector representation, and the Skills Board, we established other forums to work with businesses.

These include the Town Centre Leadership Board (Cllr Walsh is a member), the Skills Strategy Group (which brings together the university, college and other key agencies) and the Skills Scrutiny Panel.

As Cllr Walsh knows, the Skills Scrutiny Panel has received evidence from a range of employers on what they regard as being the main current and future skills development issues for Bolton.

At its last meeting it agreed a set of actions, based on the views of private and public sector partners, which will take us forward.

Finally, I should point out to Cllr Walsh that this government has praised the way that the public and private sectors works together in this region.

They promote our innovative approach to other parts of the country as being best practice.

He ignores the positive effect that the work of the council and businesses is having on helping the town to withstand the impact of the worst economic conditions for generations.

He seems to be doing his best to undermine all our efforts to attract inward investment, support local businesses and help the people of Bolton.

Cllr Clifford Morris Leader of Bolton Council