I SUPPORT the letter from James Bennet (“Protest over pool changes”, April 10) regarding the changes to Jubilee Pool.

I understand and sympathise with his predicament and the loss for his grandchildren.

However, I would like to draw attention to the loss of a swimming session used by disabled members of the Jubilee Centre staffed by physios and ancillary staff from Bolton Physios, helped by the Jubilee Centre staff.

The Thursday afternoon session has been running for many years and provides enjoyment and therapy for all concerned.

The loss of this session will be devastating to all Jubilee users. Many of them, including my son, only experience some relief in the water from stiff limbs and painful joints.

It would appear that, at the stroke of a pen, an anonymous official has decided to exclude the most vulnerable members of the “Bolton Family”

from an important and valuable facility. Would he or she care to justify this decision?

M Cummings Hough Fold Way Harwood