TAX dodging in the UK is a huge problem that is having a detrimental effect on the economy and the Government’s ability to deliver the services we all pay for through the tax system.

Mobile phone giant Vodafone got away with paying their £6 billion tax bill in the UK — they are also doing the same thing in India.

However, Vodafone is a drop in the ocean compared to some recent findings in relation to tax dodging. I wonder if readers are aware that, out of the top 100 UK companies listed in the FTSE, that only two of the companies pay tax?

This is an appalling situation when everyone else is losing their job and being asked to cut back on public services.

Once again, we are seeing socialism for the rich and capitalism for everyone else—where big firms are protected and given benefits whilst the rest of us are subjected to the flaws of capitalism, such as high unemployment, wage caps and short term contracts.

Steve Jones Morris Green