CLLR Martyn Cox’s recent comments on death in the workplace are truly astonishing.

Clearly he has little concern for the working people in his constituency, without which he wouldn’t be elected. He appears to be a classic example of why there is such a disconnection between the Conservative Party and the wider community.

His comments confirm once and for all his party’s view that working people are there to be used and, if they get killed, it will create a job for someone else.

I am sure his comments would not refer to those who have died fighting for our country—who are, in effect, working people — and not included in the statistics of those killed at work.

But his utter contempt for working people’s safety and those who have lost family members at work is outrageous.

The Conservative Party in Bolton should condemn Cllr Cox’s remarks, as any silence from his party would only serve to add fuel to the fire that the Conservatives are uncaring, out of touch and self-interested.

Clearly, his statistics are wrong and poorly researched. Like all politicians who fly a flag of their own self-importance and convenience, he is more interested in being self-serving than in serving the public.

I suppose that is what we should expect from the representative of a political party which shows such disdain for working people and their rights to come home safely.

Ian Hodson National President Bakers Food & Allied Workers Union