THE LibDems are understandably desperate to hold on to their Smithills council seat, but for them to accuse Labour of lying about LibDem policies is laughable (The Bolton News April 25).

The reality is that the LibDems have been lying to the people of Smithills for years. Here are two examples from their current election pamphlets.

LibDem Lie No 1: “A vote for Labour can only help the Tories.”

The Truth: This year’s contest is between Labour and the LibDems. Labour came very close to beating the LibDems last year, with the Tories trailing a poor third.

Labour was also in second place in the 2010 election.

LibDem Lie No 2: “Only the Liberal Democrats keep in touch all year.”

The Truth: Smithills Labour Rose newsletter is published quarterly and delivered to every household in Smithills — including to the LibDemcouncillors! Furthermore, unlike the LibDem councillors, Smithills Labour Party does not have access to Town Hall facilities or receive more than £40,000 in council allowances and expenses to assist in getting its message out.

Sheila Jones Secretary Smithills Labour Party